Portfolio Details

Operations Portfolio

The operations portfolio is concerned with matters directly relating to cricket matches run by the association.  Super-6 games are run by member clubs.

Anstey La Frantz Shield, Reevesie Cup and Casey Cup games are run by the Representative Cricket Committee, however committees within the Operations Portfolio are engaged by the Representative Cricket Committee as required.

Grounds Committee

The purpose of the Grounds Committee is to manage:

  • Grounds Leasing
  • Grounds Review
  • Grounds Hire

This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.

Grounds Leasing

The leasing of grounds is negotiated and signed with Brisbane City Council and Moreton Bay Regional Council.

Rather than approaching each school for access to school ovals at no cost, and agreement is sought with the State Minister for Education and the State Minister for Sport and Recreation.

This step is vital as Parents and Citizens Associations at the schools are always keen to charge for school oval hire to increase their revenue base.

This step needs to be repeated at the change of government.

Grounds Review

A grounds survey form is sent to each club with a request to review each of the grounds in their area for suitability for junior cricket. Clubs are required to complete the form and return to the Administrator so that the grounds and draw committee know if grounds are available for use and the sizes of the fields so they can determine age group suitability.

School Toilet Keys

BNJCA does NOT have keys to school toilets and has no further information about access other than that listed below. Please read the process below carefully.

 At the beginning of the cricket season, the Responsible club should make arrangements with the school to access the toilets. This may mean paying a key deposit to the school and agreeing to pay any cleaning fees involved. If the school has refused access and this happens a lot now, then the responsible club, when they are called, should tell you that you can’t get access. In these cases there is nothing either Brisbane North or the responsible club can do.

To obtain access/keys at a school ground when you are designated the HOME team, contact the Responsible club as listed in the Ground Locations list and obtain the Club Phone number from the Club contacts in the Match Day Operations section on the website.

Where a non-responsible club is playing at a school not designated as one that they are responsible for but is deemed a HOME team due to the draw, they should contact the responsible club and ask about accessing the toilets.

The above process is the only method which doesn’t put schools offside. The reason is there is only one contact with the school about toilet access at the beginning of the season by the responsible club and not different teams each week contacting the school about toilets. Teams playing a HOME game away from their normal grounds should not have to contact the school.

Grounds Hire

<Content is currently being developed>


Draw Committee

The purpose of the draw committee is to manage competition draws (excluding Super-6s, Anstey La Frantz Shield, Reevesie Cup and Casey Cup)

This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.

Player Registration

Clubs should input the names, addresses and dates of birth of all the players into Play HQ.  A player should not participate in a club team unless he/she is registered with that club and the player details are on the Play HQ website because the player will not be covered under the Cricket Australia insurance scheme.

Player eligibility

Young cricketers who want to play in the BNJCA junior competition are grouped into age divisions based on the date of their birth with the 31st of August being the cut-off date for each age group. For example, a player turning 14 on 1 September can play under 14s because (s)he was under 14 years of age on the 31st of August (and so on).

Once clubs have provided team numbers and names for each age group, and completed the grounds review form, draws for each age-group can be promulgated and grounds allocated for each match.

The Draw Committee Chairperson will send draft copies of the draws to each of the clubs for feedback including a date that the feedback is required by. Not all requests from clubs for changes can be accommodated but to assist with positive outcomes the Committee requests the clubs to provide suggestions of workable solutions for their requests.

The annual ‘season draw’ is one of the most important elements of our junior cricket program. It impacts on all affiliated clubs, their players, and their families. These guidelines create a framework for the draw and ground allocation process.

Prior to the draw and ground allocation

In July, August and early September, BNJCA and affiliated clubs undertake the following groundwork in preparation for the draw and ground allocation.

BNJCA sends affiliated clubs a list of existing ground ‘alignments’.

BNJCA provides a specific timetable to all clubs regarding the draw process.

Affiliated clubs advise BNJCA of the specific teams they are entering into the competition, including:

  • their draw contacts.
  • their grounds with canteens (or other special situations) which require those grounds to be utilized as much as possible.
  • any grounds which will be unavailable at any time during the season.

The draw sub-committee ‘notionally’ aligns school and council grounds to clubs in line with the number of teams a club has entered the competition. (This has no value except to help the committee conduct the allocation).

The draw and ground allocation

As soon as all clubs have advised the teams they are entering into the competition, the draw subcommittee undertakes the draw and ground allocation.

  • Ground allocation occurs based upon a notional ‘home and away’ system which recognises the preference of clubs to play games on local grounds.
  • In u11 to Open divisions, the goal (where possible) is for each team to have a minimum of two ‘home’ games. In the u8 to u10 age groups, each team to have a minimum of four ‘home’ games.
  • A further goal (where possible) is that any individual team does not ‘travel’ for more than 5 weeks of a 9 week season, or alternatively, would not have more than 5 weeks at ‘home’. Note: In practice, these guidelines will be considered jointly as it is not the intention that the two ‘home’ games will consist of only one 1- day game and one 2-week game (only three weeks at home).

A notional home and away system

BNJCA does not apply a strict ‘home and away’ system for the draw process because of the lack of flexibility it brings.  Instead, a notional home and away system enables common sense ‘rules’ to be applied to guide the allocation of grounds, without locking the association into a rigid process. (A rigid home and away system are not practical because there may be insufficient local grounds for each club, or some grounds may simply be unavailable).

The benefit of the notional system is that it creates some guiding principles for the Draw Committee.  For example, once grounds are allocated to a particular age division, the allocator would have to check each team to ensure it has received a ‘fair go’ in terms of the ‘home and away’ guiding principles.

The notional system is more than just a ‘do your best’ approach.  It requires those responsible to explain ‘exceptions’ – i.e., why a team cannot be given a minimum of 4 games on a local ‘home’ ground or why a team has been allocated 6 or more games at their ‘home’ grounds. This communication is an important part of the process if we are to overcome misunderstandings.

This notional system is supported by two guiding principles, and they are:

  • that an individual team in the u8 to u10 age group has a minimum of four (out of 9) ‘home’ games per half season on grounds ‘aligned’ to the club, and that an individual team in the u11 – Open age groups have a minimum of two (out of 5) ‘home’ games per season.
  • that an individual team in any age group should not have to ‘travel’ for more than 5 weeks of a 9 week season. This principle supports the ‘minimum two home games’ philosophy for the 11+ age groups to ensure those two ‘home’ games are not allocated to one one-day game and one two-day game, thus equalling only 3 days at ‘home’.

Annual revision of aligned school and council grounds

It is often argued that any form of home and away system (notional or real) is impossible because there are insufficient local grounds aligned to each club.  This can be overcome to some degree by an annual re-alignment of school and council grounds in line with the number of teams a club enters into the competition.  Grounds (excluding those with which clubs have a direct association through leasing or their senior clubs) are notionally re-aligned after clubs notify the number of teams they are entering into the competition. This re-alignment is done with geographic common sense (e.g., there’s no point re-aligning a spare ground at Redcliffe to the Valleys club!)

The re-alignment is notional. It matches the number of teams entered by a club to the number of grounds it needs – for the purpose of making ground allocations by the Draw Committee more consistent and logical.  It has no other value.

In some cases, a re-alignment to completely match a clubs’ team numbers may not be possible because there are simply not enough grounds available within close proximity of a club. (e.g., Valleys or Toombul).  The idea of the notional realignment is simply to reduce travel.  Sometimes this will not be possible.

Note: While the Draw Sub-committee will notionally align grounds (based on teams entered into the competition by a particular club) to help them undertake the draw process, this does not represent a permanent change in the alignment of that ground. The permanent re-alignment of a school or council ground to a particular club is a decision for the BNJCA Management Committee.

Fully utilising grounds with canteens

In allocating grounds, priority is given to grounds with canteens. These grounds must be nominated by clubs prior to the draw.

Clubs nominate a specific delegate.

This is a common-sense approach. An important part of the draw process is for clubs to nominate a specific person as the conduit between the club and the Association to diminish the risk of miscommunication and enhance the speed at which communication can occur. The ‘nominated person’ is a conduit between the Draw sub-committee and other key members of that club.

For example, when the first draft of the draw is sent to the ‘nominated person’, it is anticipated that he/she would get input about the draw from all relevant people in the club.

Draw ‘Mechanics’ timetable

The Association provides a specific timetable to all clubs regarding the ‘mechanics’ of the forthcoming draw process. Modifications to the draw are done by email and telephone.  It is easier for clubs to analyse the drafts of the draw and ground allocation if they have some time, rather than a rushed meeting process over an hour or so.

After the draw and ground allocation

The Draw and Ground Allocation is provided to club contacts via early access to the draws on Play HQ so clubs have time to study the proposed draws and notify suggested amendments.

Once the draws are completed, they are posted to Play HQ at least five days before the draw is to commence.  Clubs are also notified of the release.

Draw Committee guidelines.

In addition to the ‘guiding principles’ outlined previously, a number of other policies are applied in relation to the draw and ground allocation process.  These include:

  • In allocating grounds for the competitive age groups, the Draw Committee commences with the older age groups (i.e. Open, u15) to ensure these teams have an opportunity to play on the best available grounds.
  • In providing access to the draft draws to Delegates, the Draw Committee expects the clubs to review these draft draws and advise of any anomalies or concerns.
  • In any age division where a team must play two byes in a season, those byes are allocated to one day games if possible.
  • Where possible, teams from the same club playing in the same competitive age group (i.e. u13+) are not drawn to play each other unless there is no other option. Where there is no other option, the Draw Committee should use common sense in scheduling these intra-club games. (For example, it could arguably be better for these games to occur as the first or second game of a half season competition [except where R1 is repeated in R5] and so on).\

Rules Committee

The purpose of the Rules Committee is to:

  • keep the current BNJCA rules up to date in relation to the laws of cricket and any rules and restriction applicable to junior cricket as defined by Cricket Australia, Queensland Cricket or Queensland Junior Cricket.
  • update the BNJCA rules as necessary to:
  • to clarify ambiguity
  • to govern new competitions
  • to reflect changes to competitions

This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.

The Rules committee will take requests and recommendations from the Management Committee throughout the year and develop rule changes as required ready for the next release of the rule book.

Prior to the start of each season, the committee must get a printed book produced with enough copies for two officials for every team nominated by the clubs.

The rules book is also posted on the BNJCA website at least one week prior to the season starting each year.

The main object of these Rules is to present a clear, easy to understand, simply expressed rule set for ‘mum-and-dad’ managers and coaches. For this I have maintained the same wording where possible, i.e. all grades are shown in the format ‘Under 10’ or ‘Under 10 to Under 12’ and not as ‘U10’ nor ‘U10 – 12’ etc.

At any time during the year, delegates are invited to provide suggestions for amendments to the competition rules. List major changes on the inside front cover, removing the prior year’s notes.

At the Management Committee meeting, present copies of changes to the Management Committee.

At the Delegates meeting, present copies for delegates to consider which changes will be voted in the August meeting.

At the next Delegates meeting, list the full expected changes together with a recommendation, suggestion or discussion note.  Present each item of change, explain the result, and take a vote as to whether the change is accepted.

At the August AGM, ensure the listed changes and current Word copy of the Rules are transferred to the (newly) elected Chairman of the Rules committee.

The Secretary should order enough prints to give 2 copies per club.

Distribute copies of Rules to each club’s representative before season starts.

Disputes and Discipline Committee

The purpose of the Disputes and Discipline Committee is to:

  • Address disputes brought forward by member clubs.
  • Operate a tribunal to manage disciplinary matters as required.
  • Manage the BNJCA Code of Conduct

This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.

If there is a dispute raised by a club or a club official the committee will provide advice to the parties in relation to following the Disputes and Disciple Tribunal Policy. This advice will be impartial and will not address the issue under dispute, only the process of resolution.

Season Review Committee

The purpose of the Season Review Committee is to:

  • Review competitions – Rules and format.
  • Review proposals provided by affiliate clubs.
  • Leveraging of CA and QC initiatives for younger age groups
  • Pathways for older age groups.
  • Impact of school cricket.
  • Collate feedback.
  • Make recommendations to the Management Committee at the July meeting.

This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.

CA and QC initiatives

Investigate whether current initiatives from CA and QC can be leveraged to provide game formats for younger age groups so as not to stress the current formats that are in place.


The upper age groups need to be reviewed in regard to how pathways can be provided for progression to the various senior cricket options.

Impact of School Cricket

Any changes that are being considered need to be assessed to see if there will be an impact on the current balance and whether any change in the balance will cause greater harm to club cricket.

End of Season Awards

Premierships, player statistics, champion players for each age group and club champion are calculated automatically from the game results that are entered each week into Play HQ.


Each year, BNJCA presents performance awards to registered players who participated in its competitions.  The following guidelines create a framework for these awards.

The Management Committee will decide on the categories of awards and update the affiliated clubs via Delegates meetings.  The philosophy of the Association is to limit categories, and in so doing, place a higher value on the awards.

Player eligibility

  • Players must be registered with the BNJCA.
  • Players must have participated in at least 50% of scheduled games within their competition.  Games which are forfeits or washouts are not counted for calculation of this participation eligibility.
  • BNJCA will set minimum eligibility criteria for batting average and bowling average awards, i.e., no. of innings and no. of overs.

Eligible performances

The only eligible performances are those which have been included in Play HQ by affiliated clubs by the deadline of 2 weeks from the conclusion of each scheduled competition game.

Confirmation of award winners

The Play HQ co-ordinator will provide the Management Committee with a provisional list within one month of the conclusion of each half season competition.  The Secretary will provide the Secretaries of all affiliated clubs with this provisional list to enable clubs to raise any issues with a response deadline of one month prior to the scheduled awards presentation.

All award winners will be notified by the Secretary.

Individual Awards for Pre-Christmas Season

Under 12 to Open Division

  • Trophy for the player
  • Based on the following stats:
  • Highest Runs Aggregate
  • Best Batting Average
  • Most Wickets Taken
  • Best Bowling Average.

Premierships for Pre-Christmas Season

Under 12 to Open Division

  • Medallions for the players and coach
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Individual Awards for Post-Christmas Season

Under 12 to Open Division

  • Trophy for the player
  • Based on the following stats:
  • Highest Runs Aggregate
  • Best Batting Average
  • Most Wickets Taken
  • Best Bowling Average.

Premierships for Post-Christmas Season

Under 12 to Open Division

  • Medallions for the players and coach
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Casey Cup Winners

  • Caps for the players
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA.

Reevesie Cup Winners

  • Caps for the players
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA.

Anstey La Frantz Shield Winners

  • Caps for the players
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA.

Club Championship

  • Trophy for the runner-up club
  • Trophy for the winning club
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA.

Development Carnival Winners

  • Medallion for the players and coach
  • Carnival trophy stays with BNJCA.

State Championship Winners

  • Medallion for players and coach
  • Championship/Challenge trophy stays with BNJCA.

Spirit of Cricket Award

The BNJCA supports the Spirit of Cricket, as embodied in the preamble to the Laws of Cricket, in a tangible way each year with a Spirit of Cricket Award.

The Association accepts nominations from clubs for a player displaying the true spirit, traditions, and values of cricket. The player must be playing in a BNJCA competition.

This award does not apply to adults.

In order for a club to nominate a player, the action must be at the player’s instigation, not a result of an adult’s intervention. The nomination can come from anyone involved in the game; other players, umpire, coach or spectators, but must be made through the affiliated club of the nominating person.

The club should assemble all the relevant details of the player’s action and forward it to the BNJCA Secretary via email, within 14 days of the incident.

  • Certificates to nominated players.
  • Plaque to the winner
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA.