Draw Process

By Mid-May

  • Establish dates for school term 4 of this year and school term 1 of next year
  • Set the start of the Pre-Christmas season as the Saturday after the start of term 4.
  • Set the end of the Pre-Christmas season as the Saturday before the end of term 4.
  • Set the start of the post-Christmas season as the Saturday after the start of term 1.
  • Set the end of the post-Christmas season to be the earlier of the Saturday before the end of term 1 or the last Saturday in March.
  • The season cannot extend into April because BCC grounds are unavailable to us after the end of March.
  • The aim is to get at least 17 Saturdays of play (with a maximum of 20 Saturdays) across both the Pre-Christmas and Post-Christmas seasons.
  • Propose the mix of 2-day and 1-day games to fit the available dates.
  • Send an email to the Management committee to get comments and agreement on the playing dates and the number of Saturdays of play.


By End-May

  • Agreement on season dates to be finalised.
  • Document the agreed dates.
  • Document the playing ages for the season ahead.


By Mid-June

  • Establish the draw timetable making sure there is sufficient time to adjust the draw after feedback from clubs.
  • Update the Events section of the website with the draw timetable dates.
  • Update the grounds questionnaire.
  • Update the club grounds spreadsheets based on responses from last year.


Prior to July Delegates Meeting

  • Send the questionnaire letter and a list of aligned grounds to all clubs.
  • Clubs to check on the suitability and availability of these grounds for the forthcoming season.


August Delegates Meeting (AGM)

  • Deadline for clubs to advise the Draw Committee on the suitability and availability of grounds.
  • Clubs requested to provide a contact person for the Pre-Christmas draw process.


Morning of the September Management Meeting

  • Clubs to advise the Draw Committee of a contact for the Pre-Christmas draw process.
  • Closing date for clubs to submit teams for the Pre-Christmas season.


Wednesday after September Management Meeting

  • Setup a new season in Play HQ.
  • Setup the Pre-Christmas draw in Play HQ.
  • Enter Pre-Christmas teams into Play HQ.
  • Validate all available grounds on Play HQ and remove any grounds where clubs have advised that the ground is no longer suitable or available.
  • Generate the Pre-Christmas draws.
  • Allocate grounds starting at the open age group and work down the age groups.


September Delegates Meeting

  • Notify club contacts that the Pre-Christmas draws are available for review.


Saturday after September Delegates Meeting

  • Deadline for the clubs to provide feedback on the draft Pre-Christmas draws.


Monday after September Delegates Meeting

  • Pre-Christmas draws released on Play HQ and visible on the website


November Delegates Meeting

  • Clubs requested to provide a contact person for the post-Christmas draw process.


Last Saturday of the Pre-Christmas Draw

  • Clubs to advise the Draw Committee of a contact for the post-Christmas draw process.
  • Closing date for clubs to submit teams for the post-Christmas season.


17 Days Before the First Post-Christmas Game

  • Setup the post-Christmas draw in Play HQ.
  • Enter post-Christmas teams into Play HQ.
  • Generate the post-Christmas draws.
  • Allocate grounds starting at the open age group and work down the age groups.


12 Days Before the First Post-Christmas Game

  • Notify club contacts that the post-Christmas draws are available for review.


7 Days Before the First Post-Christmas Game

  • Deadline for the clubs to provide feedback on the draft post-Christmas draws


5 days Before the First Post-Christmas Game

  • Post-Christmas draw released on Play HQ and visible on the website.