Match Results

Entered in Play HQ

Match Results for U12 to Open Div and U13 & U15 girls are to be input to Play HQ. They must be entered within five (5) days of completion of a match and player awards are made based on these entries. For U10 & U11 it is optional whether you enter the stats/result or not. Match results and player stats for U-12 to Open Div and U13 & U15 girls must be entered within five (5) days of completion of a match or teams will get NO points.

Electronic Scoring

Where scoring is done by electronic means, the result details must be entered and signed by both team officials, using the form included in the Rule book or downloaded from the link below. If this is not done, then no dispute will be allowed to proceed. If a game result or player stats, once entered in Play HQ, has an error and is “locked”, then send an email to and explain the error and request that the game be “unlocked”. You will be advised when this has happened, and you can then go in and correct the mistake.

Electronic Scoring Sign-off Sheet

Champion Player Competition

On completion of each round team officials for U11 to Open, input results and player stats to Play HQ website. The system will accumulate points for a player based on

 Runs 1pt
 Catches 5pts
 Unassisted Wickets (b, lbw) 20pts
 Assisted Wickets 20pts
 Unassisted Runouts 5pts
 Assisted Runouts 5pts
Century 30pts
 Half-century 10pts
 5 wickets in an innings 30pts
 Not outs 5pts