Life Members

Life Membership is the highest Award available to recognise the exceptional contribution of individuals to the Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA). It is therefore only to be awarded in exceptional circumstances.

General Considerations

Life membership may be conferred at the Annual General Meeting of the Association upon any person who has been an active member of the Association, or rendered service to the Association, for at least five years and who has, in the opinion of two-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting, demonstrated significant, sustained and high-quality service, enhancing the reputation and future of the BNJCA.

The points to be taken into account when considering any nomination should include:

  • the general attitude and overall demeanor of the nominee to ensure that the attitude is one that reflects a dedication to the values of the BNJCA.
  • commitment to the principals of good sportsmanship.
  • valued leadership and good role modelling that reflects credit upon the BNJCA.

These points apply in whatever role the nominee has participated in during their service in the BNJCA.

 Year Recipient
2022 Ian Rushton
2021 Geoff Cowles OAM
2020 Kathy Casey
2018 Shane Mills
2017 Tony Bath
2016 John Powell
2014 Keith Dudgeon
2013 Steve Casey
2009 Michael Skinner
2008 Michael Mainhardt
2007 David Philp
2006 Bryan Hessey


2005 Bruce Boland
2004 Cec Anstey OAM


2003 Basil Wright
2002 Ian Reeves OAM
2001 Errold La Frantz MBE


Life membership awarded in Zone 1 (Toombul), Zone 2 (Valley/Norths) & Zone 6 (Sandgate/Redcliffe) prior to the inception of BNJCA Inc. are recognised as life members with BNJCA.

 Year Recipient
1994 Ray Wonnacott


1994 John Manson
1993 Glyn Netto


1992 David Walker
1991 Roger Harris


1990 Rae Finlayson
1989 Adrian Petrie