
The Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA) (Association) exists to provide opportunities for young people living in north metropolitan Brisbane to play the game of cricket. Brisbane North is one of the largest junior cricket nurseries anywhere in the world and there are many junior cricket clubs. All of these clubs affiliate to the BNJCA to enable their young players to participate in an organized junior cricket competition.

The history of our organization traces back to 1972 when there was no organized competition for junior cricketers. Around this time, Cec Anstey, a member of Toombul District Cricket Club, started canvassing the idea of organized cricket for juniors with fellow member, Errold La Frantz.

Coincidentally, around this time, Cliff Christensen from North Star Sports Club wrote to Queensland Cricket enquiring about a junior cricket competition. He was directed to the Toombul Cricket Club where he, Cec Anstey and Errold La Frantz conceived the notion of an organized junior cricket competition.

A lot of has changed over the past thirty years. In season 1972/1973 in the Toombul Junior Cricket competition there were 15 Clubs with 33 teams with age groups, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 and Open. During the 1973/1974 season, the Brisbane Junior Cricket Association and the Queensland Junior Cricket Association (QJC) were formed.

In season 1974/1975, the Toombul group became Zone 1 and Valley/Norths Zone 2 commenced. The three men at the helm of Zone 2 were Rae Finlayson, Roger Harris and Laurie Harvey. In season 1997/98, a restructure took place in North Brisbane when Zone 1 and Zone 2 merged to form the Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association.

Nowadays, thousands of children in hundreds of clubs participate in organized local cricket competitions throughout Queensland. Every year, intra-state age championships and development carnivals are held in different locations to enable young cricketers to learn more about their sport and meet new people.

The BNJCA undertakes many tasks on behalf of its affiliated clubs. The information on our website is there to explain some of those things. We are happy to provide more information – just ask any of our Management Committee members.

On behalf of the BNJCA Management Committee

John Powell
Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association

Management Committee

The BNJCA has a Management Committee which is elected at the Annual General Meeting and in line with its Constitution consists of the following positions:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Committee Members (the number of which are determined by the Management Committee)
  • Junior Director of Coaching for Girls
  • Junior Director of Coaching for Boys


The Constitution outlines the rules pertaining to the Management Committee. For example, eligibility for election is dependent on a person being nominated by a club or other organisation which is affiliated with the Association or being a life member of the Association.


The form for nominating a person for the Management Committee is included in the Administration Manual.

The Management Committee ‘manages’ the business of the Association in line with the Constitution and in the interests of affiliated clubs. It appoints sub-committees for various tasks (e.g. to oversee the rules and conduct the draw process), including but not limited to:

  • organising the BNJCA competition on behalf of affiliated clubs
  • organising grounds
  • conducting the draw
  • managing the competition
  • managing Disputes and Discipline process
  • facilitating junior cricket representative opportunities for players in affiliated clubs
  • organising teams
  • selecting players and officials
  • overseeing travel
  • organising accommodation
  • providing affiliated clubs with assistance for facility and player development
  • grants
  • training forums
  • facilitating through Queensland Cricket training opportunities for coaches to improve their skills (Level 1 & 2 training courses). These courses are held regularly throughout the season and information can be obtained from the BNJCA Secretary or Queensland Cricket.


The Committee is also responsible for managing the Association’s finances and prepares an annual budget for presentation and ratification by affiliated clubs in April or May each year. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring its finances are audited.


The Management Committee meets on the 2nd last Monday of each month from January through to and including November. In addition, a meeting of Delegates from all affiliated clubs is held on the last Monday of each month, except April, May and December.

Association Structure

The Association is structured to operate the services the Association provides to the junior cricket in the North Brisbane region.


There are three portfolios of responsibility within the organisation with committees under each portfolio.  The structure is displayed in the diagram on the following page.


The Management Committee is responsible for the overall operation of the Association including the allocation of committee members, delegates and external parties to committees that will oversee defined, but inter-connected parts of the Association’s operation.


Each committee will be responsible for making operational and strategic decisions within its remit.

  • Strategic decisions will be referred back to the Management Committee for debate and ratification.
  • Operational decisions are to be recorded and reported to the Management Committee for inclusion in the monthly Management Committee meeting minutes.

Player Pathways

It is important to note and for all stakeholders in the game of cricket to understand, whether managing a game of Under 8s, coaching a representative team, allocating players for Saturday fixtures or any other jobs that are performed under the banner of Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association and affiliated clubs; there are multiple pathways through the cricketing landscape.  Very few players make the lofty heights of national selection, but our intent should always be to help every player along their journey to whatever their destination will be.


By far the largest number of players that participate in our competitions will go on to play Warehouse or Sub-District cricket while fewer will go on to play for a Premier Cricket club.  A very small proportion of Premier Cricket players will be selected to play for Queensland with a smaller number of them being selected to play for Australia.

Our focus is on the administration of the game of cricket so as many young players as possible to enjoy the game for as long as possible at the level they feel most comfortable and capable.


The following graphic gives a representation of player pathways including an indication of age on the horizontal axis and skill level along the vertical axis.  Estimate player numbers are illustrated by the size of the objects on the graph.

Development Strategies

The Management Committee has defined strategies to improve the Association, the development of the game for a better player experience and participation in the game by anyone who wants to play.


The work of each of the committees must also look for ways to actively contribute to one of the following strategies and must not contradict any of the strategies.

Association Development Strategies

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Game Development Strategies

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Participation Strategies

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