
The Administration portfolio is concerned only with the running of the Association. Any issues that pertain to cricket matches are under the remit of the Operations Portfolio. Any issues that pertain to selection of players for representative teams or participation of players in representative competitions are under the remit of the Representative Portfolio.

The following committees form the Administration Portfolio:

  • General Administration
  • Life Membership
  • Assets and Grounds
  • Finance
  • Fees Review
  • Grants
  • Risk and Safety

The remainder of this document is the description of these committees. Please refer to the Policies Tab for the policies and guides that are relevant to the Administration Portfolio.

General Administration Committee

The purpose of the Administration Committee is to:

  • operate management committee and delegates meetings including meeting notifications and meeting minutes
  • manage all correspondence into and out of the Association
  • manage and update the website
  • manage and update social media channels
  • maintain playing and achievement records for all competitions under the control of the Association
  • arrange and execute the annual awards evening
  • maintain all information and governance documentation of the Association
  • manage and update the associations calendar of events.


This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each Annual General Meeting of the Association.


A potential member cricket club or other organisation must apply to become an Affiliated member of BNJCA.  This is done by applying in writing to the BNJCA Secretary, giving details of the club or other organisation and the reason for applying for affiliation.


Such details are to include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Full Name of Club or another organisation
  • Contact details of the Executive Management group
  • Name, phone number and email address of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and their respective addresses for service of notices
  • Names, addresses and email addresses of the two (2) Delegate Members
  • Number of players last season in each year age group from U8 to U17
  • Number of players expected next season in each year age group from U8 to U17
  • Location of Grounds which will be made available for use of BNJCA for junior games, detailing maximum suitable age group and the condition of such grounds
  • Reasons for applying for affiliation.


The application will be reviewed by the Management Committee at the next available meeting.  The Management Committee will vote on acceptance of the application.  A simple majority vote in the affirmative is sufficient.

Under Rule 13 of the BNJCA Constitution, the Management Committee has the power to reject an application for affiliation by a club or other organisation.

There is no requirement for an affiliation application of a club or other organisation to go to the Delegate Committee for approval.

Social media

The only social medias channel currently in use are the BNJCA Facebook page and the BNJCA Twitter handle.


All matches in competitions from U/11 through to Open are recorded in PlayHQ.


All released documents are held by the Executive Officer with at least one backup copy at another location.  Draft documents are held by the original author with copies also held by contributors until released.


On release of a document, a PDF copy of the document is placed on the website.

Calendar of Events

The calendar of events is published on the website.

Annual Report

The preparation of the Annual Report is a task for the Secretary.  The document is provided to all delegates at the Annual General Meeting. Sufficient time must be allowed for compilation of the report, and for printing.  Generally we have printed 50 copies but it is planned to phase out the paper report and just print 6 copies for the history and make it available on the website.


The template for the document is as follows:

  • Agenda
  • Office bearers
  • Affiliated clubs
  • Life Members
  • Past Executive Committees
  • Attendance at Delegate Meetings
  • President’s report
  • Vice President’s and Draw Committee report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Anstey La Frantz Co-Ordinator’s report
  • Reevesie Cup Co-Ordinator’s report
  • Casey Cup Co-Ordinators report
  • Diggers Cup Co-Ordinators report
  • Minutes of Annual General Meeting
  • Annual Accounts and Audit Report
  • BNJCA players achieving State and/or Test Honours

Honour Board

  • Spirit of Cricket Award
  • Club Championship
  • Premierships
  • U12 Casey Cup competition
  • U13 Reevesie Cup competition
  • U14 Anstey – La Frantz Shield competition
  • Representative Honours – Championship teams
  • Championship results
  • Representative Honours – Development teams
  • The Ian Healy Cup
  • Player of the Round winners
  • Individual Full season awards based on statistics U12 to Open
  • Individual Half season awards based on statistics U12 to Open
  • U12 Honour board
  • U13 to U14 Honour board
  • U15 to Open Honour board

Top Performers – Individual Players

  • U12 Pre Xmas season
  • U12 Post Xmas season
  • U13 Pre Xmas season
  • U13 Post Xmas season
  • U14 Pre Xmas season
  • U14 Post Xmas season
  • U15 Pre Xmas season
  • U15 Post Xmas season
  • U16 Pre Xmas season
  • U16 Post Xmas season
  • Open Pre Xmas season
  • Open Post Xmas season

Life Membership Committee

The purpose of the Life Membership Committee is to:

  • receive suggestions on granting life membership.
  • review candidates against criteria.
  • make a recommendation to the Management Committee.


This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each Annual General Meeting of the Association.


The Life Membership Committee may receive informal nominations from outside the committee for consideration of appropriate persons.  The committee may also make their own nominations.

Review and Eligibility

The committee will review all nominated persons and take into consideration the work that they have contributed to BNJCA and the period that they have contributed to BNJCA.


The committee will recommend no more than one person for life membership each year to the Management Committee. The recommendation will be delivered to the Management Committee prior to the July Management meeting.

Assets and Grounds Committee

The purpose of the Kalinga Park committee is to:

  • to organise the required renovations of the Bertha St building at Kalinga Park
  • to organise the layout of fields at Kalinga Park
  • to organise the design and construction of additional training facilities at Kalinga Park


This committee will remain in operation until the facilities at Kalinga Park meet the requirements of the association.

Building Renovation

The committee has completed renovations required to the building at Bertha Street after it was handed over by Brisbane City Council. The committee will co-ordinate a contractor to operate the canteen in the building.

Fields Layout

The committee is responsible for defining the location of the synthetic wicket pitches on the ground at Kalinga Park, making sure there is room for two turf wicket blocks to be built later. The committee is also responsible for liaising with the contractors for the installation of the synthetic pitches.

Training Facilities

The committee will determine the requirement for additional training facilities at Kalinga Park including the planning and costing for these facilities. If approved by the Management Committee, the committee will then take on the responsibility of liaising with contractors and volunteers for the construction of these facilities.

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to manage:

  • Budgets
  • Cash Flow and Accounting
  • Audit


This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.


The Finance Committee is responsible for setting budgets and working with other committees to manage the adherence of the budgets.

Cash Flow and Accounting

The Finance Committee will manage and report on cash flow and accounting practices to the standards required by law for a not-for-profit organization and the Management Committee.


Each year the accounts will be prepared and submitted for audit to a financial audit firm approved at the Annual General Meeting.

Fees Review Committee

The purpose of the Fees Review Committee is to review the Association’s fee structure annually.

This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each Annual General Meeting of the Association.


The committee will review the fees charged by BNJCA.  The review processes each year will consider the revenue requirements of the Association, affordability and equity for all players across the Association.

Report to the Management Committee by the June Management Meeting each year with a recommendation of fees for the coming season.

Grants Committee

The purpose of the Grants Committee is to:

  • review grant application and check eligibility criteria and funds availability
  • make a recommendation to the Management Committee
  • prepare grant application for the association.


This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each Annual General Meeting of the Association.

The committee will also review any grant applications submitted to the Association for either general funding or for funding of specific projects.

Risk and Safety Committee

The purpose of the Risk and Safety Committee is to:

  • assess the threats and risks that may impact people, property, or reputation.
  • treat risk in line with the risk appetite defined in the Risk and Safety Policy; and
  • maintain the Risk and Safety Policy.


This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.