Thirty Years of Junior Cricket

1972 to 2002

The 2022/2003 cricket season marks the thirtieth anniversary of Junior Cricket in Queensland. Yes, back in 1972 under the banner of Toombul Junior Cricket Group, junior cricket as we know it today, began.

The Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association Executive Committee determined that it would be appropriate to celebrate the occasion with a modest gathering of some of the principals from those early days along with those that have continued to ensure junior cricket caters for our youth.

Just to recap how organised Saturday morning Junior Cricket commenced. Prior to 1972 junior cricket was played in various schools and at various locations throughout Queensland country, Warwick being one, however there was no such thing as an organised Saturday morning junior cricket competition in Brisbane.

Cec Anstey originally from Warwick moved to Brisbane when he was appointed founding Principal of the new Wavell High State School January 1959 and subsequently became a member of Toombul District Cricket Club, in 1971 he was elected club President.

Cec Anstey thought it rather strange that many if not all winter sports Rugby, Rugby League, Soccer and Aussie Rules had junior competitions, but cricket was lagging. He had many conversations regarding starting a junior cricket competition with his great mate Errold La Frantz also a member of Toombul Cricket. Around this time Cliff Christensen from North Star Sports Club wrote to Queensland Cricket regarding a junior cricket competition and as North Star was in the Toombul area he was directed to Toombul Cricket and the three wise men conceived the notion of an organised junior cricket competition.

A letter was sent out inviting interested parties to the inaugural meeting held Wednesday 30th August 1972 at Norths Rugby League Club, Bishop Park. From this meeting our Junior Cricket competition was launched under the guidance of Mr Cec Anstey as President.

We are very fortunate on this occasion to have all three with us tonight. Gentlemen I give you the three wise men. Cec Anstey, Cliff Christensen and Errold La Frantz.

There is a quote from that time that I think is pertinent for this occasion and Cec if I may, I think it should be shared. These are Cec’s own words, and they are recorded. “Some cricket for more boys and not more cricket for some boys”. Perhaps in the current environment may I have your permission to update this and add girls to your quote to make it politically correct.

A lot of has changed over the past thirty years and to cover this in detail tonight I would suggest we would be here for days. However, we would like to give you a quick overview. In Season 1972 / 1973 in the Toombul Junior Cricket Competition there were 15 Clubs with 33 teams with age groups, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 and Open.

During 1973 / 1974 season the Brisbane Junior Cricket Association and the Queensland Junior Cricket Association were formed.

In season 1974 / 1975 the Toombul group became Zone 1 and Valley / Norths Zone 2 commenced. Again, tonight we are blessed with the company of the three men who were at the helm of Valley / Norths. Rae Finlayson, Roger Harris, and Laurie Harvey.

In the ensuing years junior cricket became very widespread throughout Queensland and today, each year, there are Queensland Age Championships run by QJC along with many Development Carnivals.

A restructure took place in North Brisbane for Season 1997 / 1998, Zone 1 Toombul Group (Maroon), Zone 2 Valley/ Norths (Blue) and Zone 6 Sandgate (Gold) merged to become Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association and the honour to ensure a smooth change fell to an aptly named person, Mr Graeme Honour who very successfully carried out this challenging task.

Anstey, La Frantz, Christensen, Plaisted, Finlayson, Harvey, Harris, Petrie, Hunt, Honour, and the list goes on. These are just some of the many people that had the vision and have given many hours of dedication to junior cricket enabling it to have grown into what we have today.

Just to let you know that today in our region, the BNJCA, we have 17 Clubs with 200 teams with age groups, Under 8, Under 9, Under 10, Under 11, Under 12, Under 13, Under 14, Under 15 and Under 16 with half season and full season competition catering for both girls and boys. There are approximately 2600 players.

Some of our juniors have progressed through to Queensland Cricket First Grade, Queensland, and Australia and some that have excelled at the highest level in other sports. I won’t go through all the names tonight, however in my research I did discover that a J. Schouw (pronounced Shaw), his name is John Schouw he played with Marist Brothers in the Under 11s was possibly our first or earliest representative that made a junior Queensland team in 1974. The team went on tour around northern NSW and was coached by Graham Lawson. I have been very fortunate and tracked both John and Graham down so to speak and they are both here with us tonight.

We the BNJCA Executive felt it would be appropriate on this occasion to present to each of our Life Members Life Membership badges.

To perform this duty, I would like to call on Mr. Cec Anstey.

Before we ask Cec to say a few words and I know he would like to let me say – Cec Anstey, O.A.M, Life Member of Queensland Cricket, Life Member of Toombul District Cricket Club and Life Member of many other associations. Cec also represented Australia in Hockey and was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000. From all the research one has to consider Cec as the founder of Junior Cricket although he is a very modest man and from minutes of Toombul Junior Cricket Group AGM in 1977 Cec stated and I quote, “Mr Anstey then spoke on the election of Mr Christensen to Vice President who in his opinion was the Father of Junior Cricket”.

Gentlemen Mr Cec Anstey.

Errold La Frantz M.B.E
One of the three wise men. Errold is also a Life Member of Queensland Cricket and Toombul District Cricket Club. Was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000. Errold has been very active in Junior Cricket for many years.

Rae Finlayson
The inaugural President. Valley / Norths Zone 2. Serving from 1974 to 1980. Life Member Valley / Norths Zone 2.

Roger Harris
The inaugural Secretary. Valley / Norths Zone 2. Serving from 1974 to 1980. Roger is also a Life Member of Queensland Cricket and Northern Suburbs District Cricket Club. Life Member Valley / Norths Zone 2. Was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000.

John Manson
Secretary Valley / Norths 1980. President, Everton Districts Cricket Club. The driving force for the Everton Districts in setting up the playing fields and clubhouse at Kenna Road. Life Member Valley / Norths Zone 2.

Glyn Netto
Has served for many years as Secretary and President of Wilston and as an Executive member of BNJCA. Life Member Valley / Norths Zone 2. QJC Appreciation Award. Was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000.

Adrian Petrie
President Gap Pastime Club. President Valley / Norths 1980 to 1982. President BJCA. Life Member Valley / Norths Zone 2. QJC Appreciation Award

David Walker
Recording Officer since 1979 of Valley / Norths then BNJCA. A member of The Gap Pastime Committee. Life Member VDCC. Valley Juniors Committee Member for 10 years. Life Member Valley / Norths Zone 2. Was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000.

Ray Wonnacott
Secretary – Zone 1 from 1980 through to BNJCA today. Life member North Star Sports Club. Life Member Toombul Zone 1. QJC Appreciation Award. Was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000.

Basil Wright
President of BNJCA. Basil has been very active in Junior Cricket for many years.
Ian Reeves
Valley District Cricket Club Executive Committee member and Valley Juniors Chairman. Life Member VDCC. BNJCA Vice President. Was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in the year 2000.

Thankyou gentlemen, for giving of your time along with many other volunteers. I know that between you all you have received many accolades for your contribution to Queensland Cricket and Junior Cricket. What we BNJCA have endeavoured to do here tonight is to show our appreciation on behalf of the host of Juniors currently playing cricket throughout the region for starting 30 years ago what we hope will continue many years into the future. Keeping youth busy in sport. The opportunity for girls and boys to develop and enjoy our wonderful game, Cricket.

A comment in closing, we take so many things for granted, like each year we continue our timetable of junior cricket registration for our children and away they go each Saturday and play their cricket. People just accept what facilities are available to them. We do these things without hesitation and lose sight of how things began.

We have attempted to acquire some memorabilia spanning these years applicable to our Brisbane North region however let me tell you that it is a huge task. What we have acquired is on display for you to peruse. We have the original minutes on display along with Annual Reports, Caps, some scorebooks, and photographs Thank you to those that have contributed.

We offer you some nibblies and refreshments so please stay and enjoy the company.

Once again, we thank you all.

Ian Reeves
Vice President
26 August 2002

The History of Junior Cricket in the Brisbane North Region

In 1972 under the banner of Toombul Junior Cricket Group, junior cricket as we know it today, began. It all started with Cec Anstey OAM, a member of Toombul District Cricket Club. He thought it rather strange that many if not all winter sports Rugby, Rugby League, Soccer and Aussie Rules had junior competitions, but cricket was lagging. He had many conversations regarding starting a junior cricket competition with his great mate Errold La Frantz MBE, also a member of Toombul District Cricket Club. Around this time Cliff Christensen from North Star Sports Club wrote to Queensland Cricket regarding a junior cricket competition and as North Star was in the Toombul area, he was directed to Toombul District Cricket Club and the three wise men conceived the notion of an organised junior cricket competition.

A lot of has changed since these humble beginnings. In Season 1972 / 1973 in the Toombul Junior Cricket Competition there were 15 Clubs with 33 teams with age groups, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 and Open

During 1973 / 1974 season the Brisbane Junior Cricket Association and the Queensland Junior Cricket Association (QJC) were formed. In season 1974 / 1975 the Toombul group became Zone 1 and Valley / Norths Zone 2 commenced. The three men who were at the helm of Valley / Norths Zone 2 were Rae Finlayson, Roger Harris, and Laurie Harvey.

In the ensuing years junior cricket became very widespread throughout Queensland and today, each year, there are Queensland Age Championships along with many Development Carnivals.

A restructure took place in North Brisbane for Season 1997 / 1998 when Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 6 (Sandgate) merged to become Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association.

Thank you Cec, Errold and Cliff for your foresight we are eternally grateful.

Ian Reeves