
This policy defines the position of the Association on the remuneration of representative officials and the criteria under which a representative coach may apply for remuneration for coaching duties.

Remuneration of Representative Officials

It has long been the practice of the Association to appoint representative officials in a voluntary capacity for all representative teams.  This increases the likelihood of finding people who are passionate about junior cricket to coach, manage and score for representative teams rather than people who are looking for some additional work or income.

The manager and scorer for representative teams is nearly always encouraged from the parent cohort and the opportunity to attend a championship or carnival with their child for no cost is considered favourable to the parent and therefore exempt from remuneration.

The issue of coach selection has changed over the years with a drive by the Association to encourage previous players to remain involved in representative cricket for their coaching development and to keep a fresh approach and perspective to coaching for the association and the current players.

The opportunity for younger coaches must be weighed against a time of life where many of them are students and working one or more casual jobs to support themselves.  The commitment to coaching a representative team for a week-long championship or carnival means that they cannot work for that week and are therefore forced into a decision to coach or not based on whether they can afford a week of no income.  For full-time workers who volunteer their time, this has not been an issue as they take annual leave and receive normal salaries from their employers.

A similar argument can be made for those who are self-employed, however they are often better financially established.  This policy notes that some existing self-employed coaches have indicated that they would not be seeking remuneration for coaching as they have elected to provide a volunteer service.

Upon approval, the remuneration for coaching at championship/carnivals is $100 per day and shall be paid as an honorarium.

Remuneration Request

The remuneration of coaches has been considered from the volunteer nature of the majority of what happens within the Association, the need to attract suitable coaching talent to roles within the Association and the hardship that can be experienced for those who do not have access to leave entitlements.

Some coaches may prefer to refuse the remuneration because they volunteer for the love of the game and the love of coaching, therefore remuneration will be considered by the Association on a prior application only basis.  For any application request for renumeration, the Coaching Renumeration Request Form which is provided at the end of this policy and should be completed, scanned, and emailed to the Association’s Executive Officer before the 1st of July for the following season.

Any decision by the Association regarding Coaching Renumeration request Is considered final.

Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for receiving coaching remuneration from BNJCA is as follows:

  • Casually employed or unemployed for the week of the championship/carnival
  • Less than $500 of income for the week of the championship/carnival

Review of this Policy

This policy is subject to an annual review by the Representative Committee and will be amended (as appropriate).  Acceptance of a new release of the policy will be endorsed and supported by a motion through a Management Committee meeting.

Inconsistency with the Association’s Constitution

To the extent there is any inconsistency between this policy and the BNJCA Constitution, the Constitution will prevail.


The current policy is current from the published date at the beginning of this document.

This policy remains current until superseded by another Representative Coach Remuneration Policy with a later date of currency.