
In line with the objects of the BNJCA as outlined in the Constitution, this Grants Policy is designed to provide an avenue of assistance to affiliated clubs to maintain and provide facilities for youths to play the game of cricket. This policy is based on the principle that the Association acts in the best interests of all clubs collectively.

Prior Notice

This Grants Policy recognises the importance of developing or maintaining facilities to an acceptable standard for junior cricket by clubs affiliated to the BNJCA.  In an effort to reduce misunderstanding in the Grants process, and to assist with Budget forecasting, clubs should lodge grant applications before work has been undertaken.  The Management Committee, or an appointed sub-committee, will be within its rights to reject any funding application made under the Grants Policy where prior notice has not been given.

Grant Application

An application must be made on the Grant Application form, which is available to download from the BNJCA website.

Maximum Grant Payments

Total of all Grants will be limited to $12,000 per annum, to be reviewed each season by the Management Committee.

No single grant application can be more than 20% ($2400) of the total grant pool in the season that the application is lodged.

Grants for repairs on any particular ground will only be considered if there has been no BNJCA grant approved and paid for the same ground in the previous three (3) seasons.

Grants will be assessed in the order in which the completed application is lodged with the Secretary and paid out in that order.

Types of Grants

Pitch Repair

Affiliated BNJCA clubs can apply to the Grants Committee for reimbursement of up to 33% of total costs for the repair of a pitch located on a school ground or 50% of total costs for the repair of a pitch located on a council ground, which is required for use in the BNJCA competition.  An application must include appropriate supporting documentation.

New Pitches

Affiliated BNJCA clubs can apply to the Grants Committee for reimbursement of up to 33% of total costs for the development of a new concrete or synthetic pitch, which is required for use in the BNJCA competition.

Assistance is not available for turf wickets.  The size of the oval, the maximum age group which would play on the oval and the oval needs of the Association will play a significant role in approving any grant. An application must include appropriate documentation.

Ground Repair and Maintenance

Affiliated BNJCA clubs can apply to the Grants Committee for reimbursement of the costs of one-off ground repair and maintenance of up to 33% of total costs, or a maximum $1,000 in any financial year (July-June).  ‘One-off’ incidents are those which have been caused by vandalism, flooding etc.  Any application should include appropriate documentation. Affiliated clubs will be required to satisfy the Grants Committee in regard to the following criteria:

  • the work is essential to ensure the ground is at an acceptable standard for BNJCA organised games during the junior cricket season
  • ‘ground repair and maintenance’ does not include mowing of grass, ground marking or any other ‘regular’ activity required to prepare the ground for junior cricket.

Non-Government schools

Where the grant relates to a facility at a Non-Government school and the use of the facility by BNJCA is restricted to half a season each year, the maximum grant is reduced to 50% of that payable above.

Practice facilities

Grants are not given for installation or repair of practice wickets and/or nets.

Review and Eligibility

The grant must be reviewed so that the committee members understand what the grant funds will be used for. The use of the requested grant funds must meet the grant criteria.

The committee must check that the club requesting the grant funds is eligible to receive the requested amount according to the grants criteria.

The level of funding available for the current season must also be obtained to make a decision.

Consideration of Grants

The Grants Committee shall convene as necessary to consider grant applications and to conduct other business as it sees fit.

The Grants Committee can accept submissions from clubs not involved in the application (third party clubs) about any application. In making a submission to the Grants Committee, the third-party club must simultaneously provide a copy of its submission to the applicant.

The Grants Committee can recommend approval of a grant application based on the sole basis of financial hardship. However, in so doing, the Committee must consider the affiliate’s long-term financial viability. If in the opinion of the Committee, there is a question over such viability, the grant application must be rejected.

The Grants Committee, once it has formed a recommendation on any application, must inform the Management Committee of the BNJCA of that decision, and the reasons for that decision within 7 days.


The committee is required to provide a recommendation on the approval (or not) of the grant and the amount to be funded (whichever is the lessor of the amount requested or the grant funds available in the current season.

The recommendation of the committee on whether to approve or decline the grant request must be made to the Management Committee within 7 days of receiving the grant application.

Applicant Notification

The Secretary must inform the grant applicant in writing of the outcome of their grant application within 14 days of the Management Committee’s decision. Such notification must include reasons for the Management Committee’s decision if an application is rejected or if a lesser amount than allowed for above is approved.

Delegate Notification

Once a Management Committee decision about a grant application has been conveyed to an individual club, the Management Committee must advise affiliated clubs of the decision at the next regularly scheduled delegates meeting.

Payment of Grants

In its own right, the Grants Committee is not empowered to approve grants. It shall make recommendations to the BNJCA Management Committee which shall make the final decision about all grant applications. The BNJCA Management Committee may approve an amount less than that recommended by the Grants Committee.

Review of this Policy

This policy is subject to regular review by the Grants Committee and will be amended (as appropriate).  Acceptance of a new release of the policy will be supported by a motion from a Management Committee meeting.

Inconsistency with the Association’s Constitution

To the extent there is any inconsistency between this policy and the BNJCA Constitution, the Constitution will prevail.


This policy is current from the published date at the beginning of this document.

This policy remains current until superseded by another Grants Policy with a later date of currency.