
This policy defines the awards that are provided by Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA) for merit across the Pre-Christmas and Post-Christmas seasons.

Premierships, player statistics, champion players for each age group and club champion are calculated automatically from the game results that are entered each week into MyCricket.

Each year, BNJCA presents performance awards to registered players who participated in its competitions. The following guidelines create a framework for these awards.

The Management Committee will decide on the categories of awards and update the affiliated clubs via Delegates meetings. The philosophy of the Association is to limit categories, and in so doing, place a higher value on the awards


Player eligibility

  • Players must be registered with the BNJCA
  • Players must have participated in at least 50% of scheduled games within their competition. Games which are forfeits or washouts are not counted for calculation of this participation eligibility.
  • BNJCA will set minimum eligibility criteria for batting average and bowling average awards, i.e., no. of innings and no. of overs.

Eligible performances

The only eligible performances are those which have been included in MyCricket by affiliated clubs by the deadline of 2 weeks from the conclusion of each scheduled competition game.

Confirmation of award winners

The MyCricket coordinator will provide the Management Committee with a provisional list within one month of the conclusion of each half season competition. The Secretary will provide the Secretaries of all affiliated clubs with this provisional list to enable clubs to raise any issues with a response deadline of one month prior to the scheduled awards presentation.

All award winners will be notified by the Secretary.

Individual Awards for Pre-Christmas Season

  • Under 12 to Open Division
  • Trophy for the player
  • Based on the following stats:
    • Highest Runs Aggregate
    • Best Batting Average
    • Most Wickets Taken
    • Best Bowling Average.

Premierships for Pre-Christmas Season

  • Under 12 to Open Division
  • Medallions for the players and coach
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Individual Awards for Post-Christmas Season

  • Under 12 to Open Division
  • Trophy for the player
  • Based on the following stats:
    • Highest Runs Aggregate
    • Best Batting Average
    • Most Wickets Taken
    • Best Bowling Average.

Premierships for Post-Christmas Season

  • Under 12 to Open Division
  • Medallions for the players and coach
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Casey Cup Winners

  • Caps for the players
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Reevesie Cup Winners

  • Caps for the players
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Anstey La Frantz Shield Winners

  • Caps for the players
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Club Championship

  • Trophy for the runner-up club
  • Trophy for the winning club
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Development Carnival Winners

  • Medallion for the players and coach
  • Carnival trophy stays with BNJCA

State Championship Winners

  • Medallion for players and coach
  • Championship/Challenge trophy stays with BNJCA

Spirit of Cricket Award

The BNJCA supports the Spirit of Cricket, as embodied in the preamble to the Laws of Cricket, in a tangible way each year with a Spirit of Cricket Award.

The Association accepts nominations from clubs for a player displaying the true spirit, traditions, and values of cricket. The player must be playing in a BNJCA competition.

This award does not apply to adults.

In order for a club to nominate a player, the action must be at the player’s instigation, not a result of an adult’s intervention. The nomination can come from anyone involved in the game; other players, umpire, coach or spectators, but must be made through the affiliated club of the nominating person.

The club should assemble all the relevant details of the player’s action and forward it to the BNJCA Secretary via email, within 14 days of the incident.

  • Certificates to nominated players
  • Plaque to the winner
  • Perpetual trophy stays with BNJCA

Review of this Policy

This policy is subject to regular review by the Draw Committee and will be amended (as appropriate).  Acceptance of a new release of the policy will be supported by a motion from a Management Committee meeting.

Inconsistency with the Association’s Constitution

To the extent there is any inconsistency between this policy and the BNJCA Constitution, the Constitution will prevail.


This policy is current from the published date at the beginning of this document.

This policy remains current until superseded by another End of Season Awards Policy with a later date of currency.