
The operation of the association requires decisions and the execution of activities on a daily and weekly basis.  Waiting for a monthly meeting to make decisions means that progress on any initiative will potentially be slow and arduous.  This Delegated Authorities Policy sets out the actions that may be executed by an individual or group on behalf of Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA) to make better progress on initiatives and reduce the amount of decision making that has to be made at each Management Committee meeting.  The decisions made by individuals and sub-committees must be reported to the Management Committee at the next available opportunity.


These are the specific actions where authority to act on behalf of the association is conferred to an individual or group.  Any action that is not referenced in this list can only be actioned where there is a meeting minute of the Management Committee authorising an individual or group to undertake a specific action.

Authorised Party

The individual or group who may act on behalf of the association by following the process in the action field.  Where the authorised party for an action is marked as not applicable, the action is approved and responsibility for this action is defined by a motion from a Management Committee meeting.

Financial Limit

The maximum financial value to which the association can be committed by the individual or group listed in the Authorised Party field.


The individual roles within the association who can sign paperwork that will commit the association to an agreement with financial or contractual implications.

Ref Action Authorised
Financial Limit Signatories
1.01 Formal Deeds (excluding grounds leases)

Discussion within a sub-committee with a proposal to the Management Committee

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited President


Executive Officer

1.02 Grounds Lease – New – No cost

Any ground that becomes available and can be used for season fixtures.  The lease process may be commenced, and the grounds committee advised.

Executive Officer Nil Executive Officer
1.03 Grounds Lease – New – Cost

Any ground that becomes available and can be used for season fixtures.

The lease process may be investigated by the Executive Officer and details forwarded to the Grounds Committee for review.

Executive Officer $? Executive Officer
1.04 Grounds Lease – Renewal Executive Officer $? Executive Officer
1.05 New goods/services contracts (Incl. operational expenditure projects)

Proposal for discretionary spending is developed by a sub-committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited President


Executive Officer

2.01 Capital Expenditure – Budgeted

Approved expenditure is defined by a budget that has been adopted under a Management Committee motion

Executive Officer Defined by budget Executive Officer
2.02 Capital Expenditure – Discretionary

Proposal for discretionary spending is developed by a sub-committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited President


2.03 Operating Expenses – Budgeted Maintenance

Approved expenditure is defined by a budget that has been adopted under a Management Committee motion

Limit for each item in the budget is defined


Executive Officer

Defined by budget President


Executive Officer

2.04 Operating Expenses – Discretionary Maintenance

Proposal for discretionary spending is developed by a sub-committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited President


Executive Officer

2.05 Operating Expenses – Budgeted

Approved expenditure is defined by a budget that has been adopted under a Management Committee motion

Limit for each item in the budget is defined

Executive Officer Defined by budget Executive Officer
2.06 Operating Expenses – Machinery consumables

(includes fuel, oil, trimmer line, etc.)

Card holders $500 Card holders
2.07 Operating Expenses – Canteen stock Card holders $500 Card holders
2.08 Rep Clothing Orders

Order can only be placed with the approved rep clothing supplier

Stock and Asset Manager $25,000 Stock and Asset Manager
2.09 Rep Clothing Retail Price

Calculated from the clothing buy price to include some markup and GST

Rep Committee
2.10 Disposals – Small

Removal from storage and asset register

Stock and Asset Manager Less than $500
2.11 Disposals – Large

Proposal For disposal is developed by the Administration Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A $500 and greater President


Executive Officer

2.12 Write-offs

Proposal For write-off is developed by the Administration Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Any value N/A
3.01 Credit Facility – Setup

Proposal for the setup of a credit facility is developed by the Finance Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited President



Executive Officer

3.02 Credit Facility – Drawdown

Proposal for the drawdown of funds from the credit facility into working capital is developed by the Finance Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Less than or equal to the remainder of the facility limit President



Executive Officer

3.03 Credit Facility – Repayments

The periodic repayment figure for the credit facility will be defined by the credit provider

The action(s) to make these periodic repayments will be defined by a meeting minute of the Management Committee

N/A Less than or equal to 120% of the budgeted repayment amount President



Executive Officer

3.04 Debit Facility – Setup

The setup of a debit facility is at the discretion of the Finance Committee

Provide advice of the new debit facility at the next Management Committee meeting

Committee N/A President



Executive Officer

3.05 Incoming Grants – Application

The sub-committee requiring the grant funding will develop the grant application

Develop a budget for the use of the grant monies.

Advise the Management Committee of the grant application

Advise the Management Committee of the purpose of the grant application

Advise the Management Committee of the decision of the grantor

Committee N/A Executive Officer


3.06 Establish account with a new bank

Proposal to establish trading with a different banking provider is developed by the Finance Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A President



Executive Officer

3.07 Close an account with existing bank

Proposal to close a bank account is developed by the Finance Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A President



Executive Officer

3.08 Payment of approved capital expenditure

Payments for approved capital expenditure can be instigated once the goods or the services have been receipted

Executive Officer Management Committee meeting minute President



Executive Officer

3.09 Payment of approved operational expenditure

Payments for approved operational expenditure are instigated by the committee responsible for the capital works once the goods or the services have been receipted

Executive Officer Management Committee meeting minute President



Executive Officer

3.10 Incoming Grants – Acquittal

Sub-committee must acquit the grant and provide an update at each Management Committee of the status of the acquittal

Executive Officer Amount of the grant President


Executive Officer

3.11 Outgoing Grants – Approval

Requests for grants from clubs are decided by the Grants Committee

Grants are limited to 25% of player registration within each season.

Grant decisions are advised at the next Management Committee meeting

Grants Committee 25% of seasons registration fees
3.12 Outgoing Grants – Transfer of Funds

Approved grant funds are transferred to the requesting club account

Executive Officer






Executive Officer

3.13 Investments

Proposal for investments is developed by the Finance Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited President




Executive Officer

3.14 Bad Debts

Proposal For write-off of a bad debt is developed by the Finance Committee

Proposal sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision made by the Management Committee

N/A Unlimited
4.01 Charter reviews and updates

Each committee will review their own charter

Updates are proposed

Updated charters are sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision on each charter is made by the Management Committee

4.02 Form reviews and updates

Forms are reviewed by the sub-committee that is responsible for the form

Updates are made as necessary

Updated forms are sent to the Management Committee for preview at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

The Management Committee will note the release of the new/updated form in the meeting minutes

The Management Committee may request changes to the information sheet to correct any errors or to better align with strategy

4.03 Information sheet reviews and updates

Information sheets are reviewed by the sub-committee that is responsible for the information sheet

Updates are made as necessary

New/updated forms are sent to the Management Committee for preview at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

The Management Committee will note the release of the new/updated information sheet in the meeting minutes

The Management Committee may request changes to the information sheet to correct any errors or to better align with strategy

4.04 Policy reviews and updates

Each policy is reviewed by its owner committee

Updates are made as necessary

Changed policies are sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision on each policy is made by the Management Committee

N/A President


4.05 Process reviews and updates

Each process is reviewed by its owner committee

Updates are made as necessary

Changed processes are sent to the Management Committee for preview at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

The Management Committee will note the release of the new/updated processes in the meeting minutes

The Management Committee may request changes to the information sheet to correct any errors or to better align with strategy

4.06 Register reviews and update

Each register is reviewed by its owner committee

Updates are made as necessary

Changed registers are sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

The Management Committee will note the release of the new/updated processes in the meeting minutes

The Management Committee may request changes to the information sheet to correct any errors or to better align with strategy

5.01 MyCricket updates including points adjustments

Adding, editing and deleting:









Ladder schemes

MyCricket Manager

Rep Cricket Manager

Draw Committee

5.02 Posting to social media platforms as BNJCA (including moderating)

Refer to Communications policy

Webmaster and delegates
5.03 Website format

Format changes only and not relevant to content

5.04 Website updates

Refer to Communications policy

Webmaster and delegates
5.05 Website events and news

Refer to Communications policy

Webmaster and delegates
6.01 Calling off fixtures

A phone call between President, Vice-President and Secretary

Majority vote applies

Decision posted to Facebook and Twitter




6.02 Acceptance of teams

Contact point for nomination of teams

Draw Committee
6.03 Allocation of Grounds – Draw

See the Draw Process

Draw Committee
6.04 Allocation of Grounds – Emergency

Moving games to alternate grounds in the event of a ground being unsuitable or unavailable

Draw Committee

Executive Officer

6.05 Season and Fixture Timelines

The start and end dates of both the pre- and post-Christmas season

The mix of one and two day games

This decision is presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Draw Committee
6.06 Changes to Rules

Changes to the rules are moderated by the rules committee

Rule changes are sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Decision on adoption of the changes is made by the Management Committee

6.07 Playing Down – Approve/Decline

Requests for players to play below their age-group are assessed by the Playing Down Committee

These decisions are presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

6.08 Camps/Academy Planning (incl. costs)

The details of camps or academy programmes are developed by the junior directors of coaching.

Programmes are sent to the Management Committee for review at least 7 days prior to the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

The adoption of the programme(s) is supported by a Management Committee meeting minute.

Junior Director of Coaching
6.09 Discipline Application

Any disputes or situation requiring the application of disciplinary measures are managed by the Disputes and Discipline Committee according to the Disputes and Discipline Policy

These decisions are presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Disputes and Discipline Committee
7.01 Coach Development Planning (incl. Costs)

Development plans for representative coaches are created by the Junior Director of Coaching in partnership with the representative coach

The plan is managed by the Junior Director of Coaching

Rep Cricket Manager
7.02 Criteria and Allocation of Coaches

The Junior Director of Coaching sets the criteria for coaches

The Junior Director of Coaching nominates championship coaches

The Representative Committee makes the final decision on all championship coach appointments

The Junior Director of Coaching in partnership with each age group championship coach will choose the development coaches for that age group

These decisions are presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Rep Cricket Manager
7.03 Criteria and Allocation of Selectors

The Junior Director of Coaching sets the criteria for selectors in partnership with the Head Selector of each age group and the Chairman of Selectors

The Junior Director of Coaching chooses the Selectors for each age group at both stage 1 and 2 trials.

Rep Cricket Manager
7.04 Arranging Trial Facilities

The Junior Directors of Coaching will make arrangements for the use of facilities for stage 1 representative trials

Rep Cricket Manager $300 per age group
7.05 Booking grounds

The Grounds Committee will book grounds for stage 2 trials at the request of the Junior Director of Coaching

Grounds Committee $300 per ground
7.06 Arranging Trial Equipment

The Junior Director of Coaching will make arrangements for the use of equipment at stage 1 representative trials

Rep Cricket Manager
7.07 Arranging Trial Groups

The Junior Director of Coaching selects the stage 1 representative trial groups

Rep Cricket Manager
7.08 Arranging Trial Teams

The Head Selector of each age group selects the stage 2 representative trial teams

Head Selectors
7.09 Setting Trial Process

The representative trial process is decided by the Representative Committee with input from the Junior Directors of Coaching

Representative Committee
7.10 Selection of Representative Players

The selection of players for teams in an age group is the responsibility of the head selector of that age group with input from other selectors in the age group

Head Selectors
7.11 Setting Levies

Planning is conducted to manage the following issues supporting the operation of the representative trials and teams:



Grounds hire



Representative clothing (and rep caps)


Host fees

These decisions are presented at the next schedule Management Committee meeting

Representative Committee
7.12 Arranging Cap Presentation

The function for the presentation of caps to representative players is arranged by the Representative Committee

Representative Committee $?
7.13 Coaches and Managers Presentation

An information session is developed and presented to representative coaches, managers, scorers and captains by the Representative Committee

Representative Committee $?
8.01 Healy Cup Planning (incl. costs)

Planning is conducted to manage the following issues supporting the operation of the Healy Cup:


Local transport

Grounds hire






These decisions are presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Hosting Committee $35,000
8.02 Diggers Cup Planning (incl. costs)

Planning is conducted to manage the following issues supporting the operation of the Diggers Cup:






These decisions are presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Hosting Committee $3,500
8.03 Lord Mayors Cup Planning (incl. costs)

Planning is conducted to manage the following issues supporting the operation of the Lord Mayors Cup:






These decisions are presented at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting

Hosting Committee $3,500

Review of this Policy

This policy is subject to regular review by the Administration Committee and will be amended (as appropriate).  Acceptance of a new release of the policy will be supported by a motion from a Management Committee meeting.

Inconsistency with the Association’s Constitution

To the extent there is any inconsistency between this policy and the BNJCA Constitution, the Constitution will prevail.


This policy is current from the published date at the beginning of this document.

This policy remains current until superseded by another Delegated Authorities Policy with a later date of currency.