Alcohol Policy

This policy is designed to meet the following objectives:

  • To ensure the safe and professional conduct of all Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA) cricket events
  • To ensure the Code of Conduct Policy is adhered to
  • To minimise alcohol related incidents and harm to the individual participants
  • To minimise alcohol related incidents and harm to spectators and general community
  • To minimise alcohol related damage to property
  • To improve and preserve the reputation of BNJCA to people in the general community


To assist in the achievement of the above objectives, BNJCA Management Committee has established a number of specific guidelines relating to the use or consumption of alcohol by any member involved in BNJCA events. It is vital that strict guidelines are put in place to ensure that any Cricket events or fixtures are not marred by impaired and/or unsafe performances, or negatively affected from unruly behaviour related to the consumption of liquor.

The following guidelines outline procedures for the consumption of alcohol and outline punishments for any breach of these guidelines.

Guidelines on the Use of Alcohol

Participant involvement

No participants, including coach, manager, scorer, umpire or player, will be permitted to compete in any BNJCA event if he/she is consuming alcohol or suffering the obvious effects of alcohol. Any such person/s will be asked to leave the sporting arena by the affiliated club appointed grounds official.

Refusal to cooperate by the participant will result in immediate expulsion of that team from the game and possible disciplinary action against the individual.

Should such an incident occur, an official written complaint from the affiliated club appointed grounds official for that event must be forwarded, through their Club President, to the BNJCA Secretary. The submissions and complaint will then be reviewed by the BNJCA Discipline Committee for possible further disciplinary action. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Banning of that participant attending BNJCA organised games for a defined time or banning attendance from the remainder of that teams competition
  • Expulsion of the team from that competition
  • Deduction of points from the team for that particular game
  • Deduction of points from the team from the overall standings of the competition

When the BNJCA Discipline Committee hands down their decision, that particular decision is final.

Spectator involvement

No spectators within the immediate “playing arena”** will be permitted to consume alcohol while a BNJCA cricket event is in progress, except at times and places specified by the BNJCA affiliated club*. Should a spectator be suspected of consuming alcohol or suffering the obvious effects of alcohol in this area, the person/s will be asked to leave the sporting arena by the BNJCA affiliated club ground official.

Refusal to cooperate by the spectator will result in immediate expulsion of that team from the game and possible disciplinary action against the individual. It is a responsibility of each BNJCA Affiliated Club Delegate to ensure that their Club is made aware of the standard of behaviour expected at BNJCA cricket events.

Further disciplinary action may be taken, if so desired by the BNJCA, upon receipt of an official written complaint from either the Club official, opposition Club official or umpires appointed by BNJCA for that event. The submissions and complaints will then be reviewed by the BNJCA for further disciplinary action. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Banning of that spectator from other BNJCA events
  • Expulsion of the team from that competition
  • Deduction of points from the team for that particular game
  • Deduction of points from the team from the overall standings of the competition

Provision for Consumption at BNJCA Events*

In particular cases where the BNJCA sees fit, permission may be given for spectators to consume alcohol at BNJCA events, namely, but not limited to, where affiliated clubs hold a Liquor licence and are required to abide by its terms and conditions.

A written submission from the Affiliated Club must be put to the BNJCA to allow for the consumption of alcohol at a BNJCA event, this includes affiliated clubs which hold a Liquor licence and are required to abide by its terms and conditions. First and foremost, any plans for serving alcohol MUST comply with the BNJCA Code of Conduct guidelines. The written submission to BNJCA must include:

  • Brief overview of the purpose of the event e.g. Friday night Super Six games
  • Permits gained for the event i.e. licensing requirements
  • Specified area to be used for consumption


Based on criteria set by the BNJCA, submissions will be passed or rejected. A representative of the applicants may need to attend the BNJCA meeting to have the submission passed. Should a submission be passed, all aspects of the submission MUST be followed through or the below penalties may be applied. If organized consumption of alcohol by spectators occurs and there has been a failure to forward a submission for approval, the matter will be forwarded to the BNJCA for disciplinary action. This action may include but is not limited to:

  • Banning of that Club to serve alcohol at BNJCA events
  • Expulsion of the team from that competition
  • Deduction of points from the team for that particular game
  • Deduction of points from the team from the overall standings of the competition


It is vital that a submission is passed before any organized consumption of liquor occurs. Penalties will be enforced by the BNJCA and their decision will be final. Again, it is a responsibility of BNJCA Affiliated Club Delegates to inform their Clubs of these guidelines

Any BNJCA Affiliated Club failing to comply with the BNJCA Alcohol Policy will be investigated and disciplined by the BNJCA as it sees fit. These decisions will be determined by the BNJCA Discipline Committee and are Final.

Please note: **

The playing arena is the area including the actual playing surface and any areas in which spectators could view the event, unless within a pre‐approved licensed area. For instance, the “playing arena” for a cricket match on an oval would require no consumption or effects of consumption to be visible anywhere on that particular Oval or adjacent areas (i.e. adjoining oval/s, grassed hill, under cover area etc).