
This Charter governs the operation of the Life Membership sub-committee of the Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA).  This Charter should be read in conjunction with the BNJCA Constitution.  To the extent that this Charter does not expressly provide, the provisions of the constitution will apply to this sub-committee.


The objective of the Life Membership sub-committee is to select a suitable nomination candidate for presentation to the annual general meeting.


The purpose of the Life Membership Committee is to:

  • Receive suggestion on granting life membership
  • Review candidates against criteria
  • Make a recommendation to the Management Committee


The Life Membership committee may receive informal nominations from outside the committee for consideration of appropriate persons.  The committee may also make their own nominations

Review and Eligibility

The committee will review all nominated persons and take into consideration the work that they have contributed to BNJCA and also the period of time that they have contributed to BNJCA.


The committee will recommend no more than one person for life membership each year to the Management Committee. The recommendation will be delivered to the Management Committee prior to the July Management meeting.


The Management Committee will be the arbiter for interpretation and/or clarification of this sub-committee Charter.

Omissions or errors should be brought to the attention of the Management Committee.

This policy is subject to regular review by the Management Committee and will be amended (as appropriate).  Acceptance of a new release of the charter will be supported by a motion from a Management Committee meeting.

Inconsistency with the Association’s Constitution

To the extent there is any inconsistency between this charter and the BNJCA Constitution, the Constitution will prevail.


This is a standing committee, the membership of which is reviewed after each annual general meeting of the association.


This charter is current from the published date at the beginning of this document.

This charter remains current until superseded by another Life Membership Sub-Committee Charter with a later date of currency.